View Vaccine Information
(June 11, 2021- This page has recently been removed, please visit the main home page for the latest update.)
To ensure the health and safety of Kentucky families, Governor Beshear urges Kentuckians to follow the federal and state protocols for limiting the spread of COVID-19, which can be found at Everyone needs to do their part for themselves, their loved ones, and our community. We have a responsibility to ourselves and to each other to protect our state and our community.
Events, businesses, and other entities currently operating must meet certain minimum requirements in addition to the requirements and guidance specific to their industry sector.
Please click on Minimum Requirements for more details. Industry-specific guidance is also provided in PDF links in the table below.
Minimum Requirements
- Physical Distancing
- Facial Coverings
- Hand Washing and Sanitizing
- Ventilation
- Telework
- Common Areas
- Sanitation
- Daily Temperature/Health checks
Events, businesses, and other entities (“entities”) are limited to 75% capacity for activities in a single room or space.
For more information please view Minimum Requirements. Updated
Healthy at Work
Supplemental Requirements
- Healthcare Facilities
- Weddings, Funerals and Memorial Services
- Pools and Bathing Facilities
- Gyms, Sports, and Exercise Activities
- May 13, 2021 - Face coverings
- Healthcare Order Update - April 19, 2021
- Healthy at Work Executive Orders
Healthy at Work
Executive Orders
Reminder: People should be prepared for state and local public health orders to be extended, amended, or changed as needed to protect public health.
If you have additional questions please email them to
We not only want to get through this. We want to come out strong and ready to rebuild.