Header image text: Need Food? There are new and expanded resources available to help meet your essential needs.
There are resources available to help meet your essential needs.
Food pantries, pick-up sites and delivery options: Oregon Food Bank’s network of 1,400+ partner pantries and food assistance sites are open across Oregon and Southwest Washington. Many offer drive/walk-up or direct delivery options. Visit the Oregon Food Bank website for local locations, or call 2-1-1 for help.
SNAP (formerly food stamps) helps you buy groceries. Find all the information you need at where you can apply for SNAP, cash, child care and domestic violence assistance all in one application. Dial 211 or call your local Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) office with questions.
WIC offers healthy food and nutrition and breastfeeding support for families with kids under age 5 and for pregnant women. Go to the WIC website and click the WIC Interest Form button. You can also call 2-1-1 and ask to speak with a maternal and child health specialist. New participants are welcome!
The Aging and Disability Resource Connection of Oregon’s Older Adult Meals Program (“Meals on Wheels”) provides meals for people across Oregon.
Anyone 60+ can receive these meals. There are no income requirements and no charge for meals. The ADRC can also help connect people with disabilities, regardless of age, to food resources.
Visit the ADRC website or call 1-855-673-2372.
You can use this outreach toolkit to promote the Need Food? campaign. With this toolkit you can help inform the public about options to access food. You'll also be able to connect the public to food resources. This toolkit has many ready to go materials to use. This includes drop-in articles, public service announcements and website and social media content.
Accessibility: For individuals with disabilities or individuals who speak a language other than English, Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) can provide information in alternate formats such as translations, large print or braille. For assistance, please contact the ODHS Office of Equity and Multicultural Services (OEMS) Language Services, Melissa Gomez, at 503-269-0902, 711 TTY or at oemslanguage.services@odhsoha.oregon.gov.